Toulouse and its nice area, known for good food, vine and interesting tourist sites in the close vincinity is hosting this event of the 2023 Eurotour. The organization is assured by the model airplane club of Eole Muret (near Toulouse).
- Saint Ferriol (near Quillan) for north-western winds
- Laurac le Grand for south-eastern winds (called "Vent d'Autan")
Parking and accommodation on both spots is the same with cars close to the flying area and no significant walking distance but protection against cold and windy conditions is very important.
For the precise location of slopes, please refer and print out the maps.
Registration has been performed on F3XVault and actual status can be checked on:
A waiting list has been opened and registration is possible with the following link:
As it is still impossible to predict the future and the evolution of the Corona Crises or other major crises, only the necessary expenses will be made upfront and organisation team aims to refund the registration fees in case of event cancellation.
For payment instructions, PLS refer to the registration page.

The competition will start on Friday 22nd of September 2023 at 12:00 am (briefing, 1st flight at 12:30 am) and will finish on Sunday 24th September 2024 with no more rounds started after 2:30pm. The results are intended to be announced around 4:00pm. In case that the validation of the contest is endangered by insufficient number of flown rounds (less than 4), the competition might exceptionally end around 5:30pm with results announced at 6:00pm latest.
Registration of pilots on the slope and frequency verification will start on Friday morning from 9:00am and will end 12:00am. Flights must stop at 11:45 as the briefing will be held from 12:00 to 12:30. To achieve a maximum number of rounds, flights will start on Saturday and Sunday morning around 9:00am and flying will end when daylight becomes insufficient. On Sunday, it is intended to start no round after 2:30pm, except of the validation of the contest is endangered (see description above).
Number of Pilots
The number of pilots is limited to 55. Registration shall be confirmed by payment not later than 15th of July 2023. Waiting list will be used and pilots will be transferred to open slots from the 16th of July 2023 onwards. Individual information will be sent to pilots on the waiting list to inform about open slots for the contest.
Current Participants (at the date of the 10th of September 2023) are the following:
FAI License
All participants must hold a valid FAI License for year 2023 and third-party insurance for flying RC models in France. FAI license will be checked and exchanged against the starting numbers before the contest.
The first pilot to start the competition will be randomly determined during the briefing. A shift of about a third of the number of participating pilots will be applied for the next day of flying or in case of changing the slope during the same day.
Le premier pilote à voler sera déterminer durant le briefing par tirage au sort. Un décalage d'environ 1/3 des pilotes sera appliqué chaque jour ou en cas de changement de pente durant la journée.
Important Note
In order to know what slope is finally selected, the organizers will give indication on Thursday 21st of September 2023 at 9:00pm on this home page.
Afin de connaître quelle pente est choisie, l'organisateur indiquera la pente sélectionnée jeudi 21 septembre 2023 à 21heures sur cette page web.